Automatic maintenance of technical web details

Links to other pages are incredibly easy to create and maintain.
Hypertext is normal text with particular words and phrases highlighted, so that by clicking them, new pages are opened. Other content-management systems require every single one of these links to be carefully placed and constructed - Interrupting the task of writing the document itself.
MKDoc Magic Linking works by simply pasting an address, a title and a description into boxes - MKDoc will take care of the technical details and build real hypertext by mixing click-able links with your text.
Move, rename or edit a page quickly without worries.
In the short time since the web began, users have come to expect web-pages with navigation built-in; side bars, breadcrumb trails and tabbed navigation are features that nobody wants to maintain when content is added or updated.
MKDoc looks after these details. All links to and from other pages are automatically updated - Even visitors from other sites will be transparently redirected to the right page when the original has been moved.
MKDoc deals with external search engines for you.
Machines are just not very clever, search engines and other internet robots need to be lead by the hand, they need pointing to relevant services, documents and metadata.
Everything needed by other sites and authorities, such as RSS, RDF, XHTML validity and Dublin Core Metadata is kept fully up-to-date and accurate. MKDoc allows users to concentrate on what is important - The content.
A consistent look and feel for all your pages.
There's nothing that looks more amateurish than a collection of documents with as many layout styles as there are authors. A coherent look and feel can only be maintained by a separation of style from content.
With MKDoc, document authors don't need to worry about layout, colours and fonts, all this is taken care of by the site templates. Templates can be redesigned at any time and even old documents will be updated to the new look and feel.
This document was last modified on 2003-11-06 18:04:34.
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