Catering for non-English, mobile, disabled and blind users

Adding and editing multilingual content, even right-to-left languages is as simple as working with English.
Non-European languages pose interesting problems with fonts and character-sets - what is perfectly readable on one web-browser can look like garbage on another when storage systems are unaware of the differences.
Most content-management systems are locked into just one region or even just one country; these can never extend to different languages as needs arise.
MKDoc is designed from the ground-up to use Unicode throughout. UTF-8 is used for all content and templates, so pages can even have multiple languages mixed together. With MKDoc, even the search engine can work with two languages at the same time.
The entire page editing interface is translatable, so authors don't need to know any English at all.
MKDoc interface has buttons, tools, help and hints in English by default. However, simply select a different language from the menu and everything changes - Several languages are already supported and new languages can be easily added by translating a single resource file.
Accessibility for blind or disabled users and authors is built-in from top to bottom.
MKDoc is designed around the principle that if it isn't easy for users with additional needs then it won't be easy for everyone else.
This convergence principle provides the central synergy that makes MKDoc the most usable content-management system available for all users.
Pages are designed to be flexible and viewable with any web-browser, whether text-only, audio or handheld.
The web is more than just graphic design viewed with a computer monitor. By supporting only particular brands of desktop web-browser, mistakes can be made that prevent alternative ways of accessing documents.
MKDoc sticks to established standards to ensure that content is available to the widest possible range of portable devices and audio browsers - Even devices that don't exist yet.
This document was last modified on 2003-11-06 18:05:13.
MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
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