
Listed bugs

Example Child Document
This is an example of a child document.
2006-07-27 03:51:01
Cache friendly headers
MKDoc documents don't produce any cache friendly headers.
2006-07-06 07:03:02
Cache files regeneration
The petal cache dir appears full of new cache files whereas they should only be as old as the first use
2006-06-15 05:31:27
Fedora Core 4
Documentation of an attempt to duplicate the errors that one has when running MKDoc on FC5.
2006-06-08 04:00:55
Fedora Core 5
How to reproduce an error related to the version of Encode that ships with Perl 5.8.8 on Fedora Core 5.
2006-06-08 03:15:10 messages in Apache error logs
There are some things that are written to the pache error logs that need identifying and fixing.
2006-06-05 05:22:51
Linked Images
There is a bug with the URI's generated for linked images, that is image components that have the same title as link components.
2006-05-09 04:13:59 3.11 or less required
MKDoc doesn't work with versions of later than 3.11.
2006-04-12 01:28:34
Group options
You apparently have the option of removing a Group access from a document if you are a member of that Group, even though the document's parent is a member of that Group. You can't actually do this, it just appears that you can as the Group box is not grayed-out. You are allowed to untick this box, as though you've unselected a Group, and then submit the amendment by saving the page. But then if you go back to the Group box in question, you find it still ticked and now grayed-out. This is how it should have appeared in the first place.
2006-02-08 01:24:00
This document was last modified on 2005-03-10 08:14:15.
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