Fedora Core 4

This is an attempt to duplicate the problem documented on http://www.mkdoc.org.archived.website/bugs/stable/normal/perl-588/fc5/ on a FC4 machine that is connected to the internet and doesn't use Xen.

It has the default FC4 apache listening on port 80 which forwards requests to a compiled apache and mod_perl on port 81.

MKDoc Code

To start with the MKDoc code was updated:

[chris@devil ~]$ cd /var/mkdoc-1-6/
[chris@devil mkdoc-1-6]$ cvs -q up -dP
? Apache
? auto
? debug.diff
? dynamic_sitemap.diff
? init
? mail.part2.diff
? mkd_events_2.patch
? mkd_image_description.diff
? mkd_link_differentiation.diff
? perllocal.pod
? t
? usercsv-fix.patch
? MKDoc/Import
? MKDoc/Import.pm
? cgi/mkdoc.cgi.meminfo
cvs update: use `cvs add' to create an entry for conf/httpd.conf
? tools/mksetenv.sh


The env is set on login so mksetenv.sh didn't need to be sourced:

[chris@devil mkdoc-1-6]$ printenv | grep MKD


Then two databases were created:

mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host, User, Password) VALUES ('localhost', 'test_1', password ('test_1'));
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> CREATE database test1_dev_webarch_net;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO db (Host, Db, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv,Drop_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv) VALUES ('localhost', 'test1_dev_webarch_net', 'test_1', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO user (Host, User, Password) VALUES ('localhost', 'test_2', password ('test_2'));
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)
mysql> CREATE database test2_dev_webarch_net;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO db (Host, Db, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv, Create_priv,Drop_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv) VALUES ('localhost', 'test2_dev_webarch_net', 'test_1', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y', 'Y');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Site Installs

Two sites were installed:

[chris@devil mkdoc-1-6]$ tools/install-site.pl /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/

Everything was left as the default apart fromt the database settings, this is the install for http://test1.dev.webarch.net/ :

1 - Database name      : test1_dev_webarch_net
2 - Database host      : (undefined)
3 - Database port      : (undefined)
4 - Database user      : test_1
5 - Database pass      : test_1

B - Go back to main menu
D - Delete an option

Input Choice:

1 - Basic MKDoc configuration
2 - Database connection
3 - Organization details
4 - First user details

S - Save Makefile.PL and exit
X - eXit without without saving

Input Choice: s
Checking config...  OK

Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/su
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/httpd
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/resources
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/resources/templates
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/resources/skin
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/data
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/static
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/static/files
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/static/images
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/log
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/cache
Writing apache config files

Your mkdoc site has been installed. You should now restart
your http server. Once this is done, go to the following


Your default connection parameters will be:

  user: admin
  password: XXX

And this is the install for http://test2.dev.webarch.net/ :

[chris@devil mkdoc-1-6]$ tools/install-site.pl /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net
1 - Database name      : test2_dev_webarch_net
2 - Database host      : (undefined)
3 - Database port      : (undefined)
4 - Database user      : test_2
5 - Database pass      : test_2

B - Go back to main menu
D - Delete an option

Input Choice:

1 - Basic MKDoc configuration
2 - Database connection
3 - Organization details
4 - First user details

S - Save Makefile.PL and exit
X - eXit without without saving

Input Choice: s
Checking config...  OK

Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/su
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/httpd
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/resources
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/resources/templates
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/resources/skin
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/data
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/static
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/static/files
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/static/images
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/log
Creating /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/cache

Writing apache config files

Your mkdoc site has been installed. You should now restart
your http server. Once this is done, go to the following


Your default connection parameters will be:

  user: admin
  password: XXX

The the following changes were made to the apache 1.3 config, in /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/httpd/httpd.conf this was added:

<VirtualHost *>
  ServerName            test1.dev.webarch.net
  Redirect    /         http://www.test1.dev.webarch.net/

Add :81 was added to each VirtualHost because this server listens on port 81 and Apache 2.0 acts as a reverse proxy on port 80.


The /var/mkdoc-sites/test1.dev.webarch.net/httpd/httpd-env.conf was edited and the following was added to the end to strip the :81 from the URIs:


The same was done for /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/httpd/httpd.conf and /var/mkdoc-sites/test2.dev.webarch.net/httpd/httpd-env.conf

Then apache 1.3 was stopped and started again.

Apache 2.x

Then the following was added to the Apache 2.x configuration and this apache was restarted:

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName            www.test1.dev.webarch.net
 ServerAlias           test1.dev.webarch.net
 ServerAlias           users.test1.dev.webarch.net
 ServerAdmin           admin@test1.dev.webarch.net
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^users\.
 RewriteRule /?(.*) http://users.test1.dev.webarch.net:81/$1 [P,L]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.
 RewriteRule /?(.*) http://www.test1.dev.webarch.net:81/$1 [P,L]
 RewriteRule /?(.*) http://www.test1.dev.webarch.net/$1 [R=permanent,L]
 # Include conf/deflate.conf

<VirtualHost *:80>
 ServerName            www.test2.dev.webarch.net
 ServerAlias           test2.dev.webarch.net
 ServerAlias           users.test2.dev.webarch.net
 ServerAdmin           admin@test2.dev.webarch.net
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^users\.
 RewriteRule /?(.*) http://users.test2.dev.webarch.net:81/$1 [P,L]
 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.
 RewriteRule /?(.*) http://www.test2.dev.webarch.net:81/$1 [P,L]
 RewriteRule /?(.*) http://www.test2.dev.webarch.net/$1 [R=permanent,L]
 # Include conf/deflate.conf

Then the following was added to /etc/hosts to make things work…

# test1            www.test1.dev.webarch.net            test1.dev.webarch.net            users.test1.dev.webarch.net
# test2            www.test2.dev.webarch.net            test2.dev.webarch.net            users.test2.dev.webarch.net

Document Creation

On the first site, http://users.test1.dev.webarch.net/ a new document was created:

Title:       News
Description: News
Keywords:    News

Then on the second site, http://users.test2.dev.webarch.net/ the same thing was done.

No content was added to this, and starting at the home page another document was created on both sites:

Title:       Test
Description: Test
Keywords:    Test

Then a Link Component was added to the /test/ document on both sites:

Address (URI): /news/
Title:         News
Description:   News

And there were no internal server errors…

DB content

This is what was in the database:

mysql> use test1_dev_webarch_net;
Database changed
mysql> select Body from Document where Full_Path="/test/";
| Body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |
|<block id="flo_block_1" type="link">
<hash id="181174048" bless="flo::editor::Link">
    <item key="internal_link">
        <hash id="181117980">
            <item key="file_name">
                <litteral undef="true" />
            <item key="fragment">
                <litteral undef="true" />
            <item key="query">
                <litteral undef="true" />
            <item key="document_id">
            <item key="scheme">
            <item key="operation">
                <litteral undef="true" />
            <item key="is_internal">
            <item key="authority">
    <item key="url">
    <item key="title">
    <item key="description">
    <item key="uri_name">

</block> |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


And this looks exactly the same as the content on the other test server: http://www.mkdoc.org.archived.website/bugs/stable/normal/internal-link/server-error-1/

Perl Modules

This machine has the following perl modules installed:

This document was last modified on 2006-06-19 07:26:30.
MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
Copyright © 2001-2006 MKDoc Ltd.