
Listed bugs

helo email checking
The way MKDoc uses to check that new users email addresses are valid results in MKDoc sites being blackholed.
2006-06-05 06:09:15
Internal link domain mixing
If more that one MKDoc site is runnning with the same instance of mod_perl then internal links are sometimes created which point to the wrong site.
2006-06-05 02:24:29
Events on Print Version
The time range component doesn't show up on print versions of documents.
2006-05-19 09:30:39
Linking to File Attachments
Link components cannot be used to link to file attachments.
2006-05-09 04:06:28
Personalised events listings
In events mode the headlines component is supposed to only list uncomming events -- for users with preferesnces set up it doesn't -- it lists events that have past.
2005-12-07 05:02:34
Completed Polls
After a poll has finished the results should be displayed - this is broken.
2005-12-07 04:20:16
mailto: links
mailto: links should strip mailto: from a element content.
2005-07-26 08:00:23
Spam Proofing
There should be an env var that can be set to hide all emails addresses.
2005-06-08 04:12:01
Headlines Component Document Selection
Rather than typing the path of documents it would be more consistent to use a select list.
2005-06-08 03:47:36
File uploads with dots in filenames
There is a bug with files being uploaded with dots ion the names.
2005-05-19 01:48:19
HTTP Headers
MKDoc 1.6 seems to do some weird things with HTTP headers...
2005-04-27 06:51:49
Text Component pre text
Sometimes preformatted text is broken into multiple sections when it shouldn't be.
2005-04-20 07:43:58
Listings Component
This component is a suggested renaming of the Headlines component given that it is intended to agregate TimeRange components also.
2005-03-18 04:31:40
Automatic Hyperlinking HTML Components
Bug generated with a HTML Component and a Link Component.
2005-03-03 08:09:04
Automatic Hyperlinking of Text Components
The text components automatic hyperlinking generates conflict between URIs and child document titles.
2005-03-03 08:05:01
Translated Template Fragments
If there is a fragment of a template translated into several languages then the first one accessed is served on all pages regardless if the language.
2005-03-01 08:04:44
Headlines Component Leaf Documents
Headline Components have a "list leaf documents only" tick box -- this doesn't work when users are logged in.
2005-03-01 07:59:21
This document was last modified on 2005-04-20 09:59:02.
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