Missing MKDoc::Auth templates

The templates in MKDoc::Auth need MKDoc versions adding to MKDoc to enables these pages to have the same look and navigation as the others, for example pages like this:


All templates in MKDoc::Auth are here: http://search.cpan.org/src/JHIVER/MKDoc-Auth-0.5/lib/MKDoc/resources/templates / auth/

Missing method

One issue with putting these templates into MKDoc is that at least one method is not available, for example if this fragment is used in the auth/login/en.html template:

  rel="shortcut icon"
  petal:attributes="href string:${self/root/uri}favicon.ico"
  petal:condition="true: self/root/get --favicon.ico;"

Then it generates this error:

[PETAL ERROR] Cannot find value for 'get' at '/self/root': get cannot be retrieved
(current value was undef, near self/root/get --favicon.ico) at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/Petal/Hash/Var.pm  line 125
This document was last modified on 2005-09-14 02:54:55.
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