MKDoc Documents

MKDoc is essentially a document creation and organising tool for web sites.

An MKDoc Document can be identified by it's URI - it has no punctuation apart from dashes (-), no file extension, and ends with a forward slash (/), for example:

An MKDoc Document has a number of Document Properties which can be easily edited using the Properties link in the editors interface. Properties include a number of compulsory and some optional metadata fields. Title, Description, Keywords (Subject), Language, Publisher and Rights, are all properties based on the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative elements. Other Properties include the URI Name, used for the document's web address, the Template selected to display the document and the Cache-Control time that chosen for the document.

Document Content is created using any number of Document Components. The Text Component is designed for entering plain text, every two carriage returns generate a closing and opening paragraph tag. The HTML Component can be used to enter almost any HTML content. The Link Component is for generating hyperlinks in Text and HTML components. The Image Component is for embedding images into documents. The File Component is for attaching files to documents.

The listing order of a document's child document can be set using the Sort Documents option. This also affects the order of documents on the Sitemap.

Documents can be rearranged using the Move Document option, this also moves all the document's children and creates server-side redirects to the new location.

New Documents can be created using the New Document option.

Documents which do not have any children can be deleted using Delete Document.

This document was last modified on 2002-03-19 19:29:01.
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