
Help and advice about the use of the Cache-Control select list on the Document Properties page of the MKDoc 1.0 editor interface.

The Cache-Control value determines how long a static version of a document is valid for.

When a MKDoc document is requested by someone using the public interface MKDoc first checks to see if there is a cached version available. If there isn't, MKDoc generates the document from the database and saves a HTML and a gzip-compressed version of the document. Any requests that arrive between the time that the static version was generated and the Cache-Control time are served with the static versions. This internal caching is designed to reduce server load and bandwidth usage.

No pages are cached for the editor interface.

If you don't understand this don't worry about it and just leave the Cache-Control value at the default of 10 mins.

Document Links

The Document Properties page
This document was last modified on 2001-10-12 12:32:24.
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