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URI Name

Help and advice on the use of the URI Name field in the Document Properties page of the MKDoc editor interface.

When an MKDoc document is created the web address of the document is initially derived from the Title of the document.

This is done by making all the letters lowercase, removing accents and replacing spaces and underscores (_) with dashes (-).

When this document was first created it would have had "uri-name" as it's URI Name and this would have been used to make up the full web address of the document:

The purpose of the initial dynamic generation of the document address is to ensure consistency and useability. MKDoc has been designed to create web sites with human readable web addresses.

Amending the URI Name

You can change the URI Name by going to the Document Properties page and chaning the value of the URI Name form field.

This document has had it's URI Name changed to "name" and this is how it is used in the web address for this document:

When ever a URI Name is changed MKDoc automatically sets up redirects from the old address to the new one.

Good Practice

The URI Name should be short to ensure that web addresses don't get too big.

Names shouldn't change. It's important to think carefully before creating a document, as this quote from Tim Berners Lee on Cool URIs explains:

It the the duty of a Webmaster to allocate URIs which you will be able to stand by in 2 years, in 20 years, in 200 years. This needs thought, and organization, and commitment.

For further information and advice on this please see the human readable web addresses document and Jakob Nielsen's articles, URL as UI and Web Pages Must Live Forever.


This document was last modified by David Granville on 2001-10-12 11:56:12
MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
Copyright © 2001-2005 MKDoc Ltd.