
Help and advice about the use of the Rights field on the Document Properties page of the editors interface of MKDoc 1.0.

To add or amend any copyright information for a document simply edit the Rights form field. You do not need to provide any Rights information for documents, this an optional field.

When new documents are created they initially inherit the Rights information from their parent.

Typically, the Rights information is used for the copyright notice in the footer of a document template.

Dublin Core Rights

The Rights field is primarially designed for Dublin Core Rights information.

The Dublin Core Rights element is described as "information about rights held in and over the resource" and it has this comment associated with it:

Typically, a Rights element will contain a rights management statement for the resource, or reference a service providing such information. Rights information often encompasses Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Copyright, and various Property Rights.

If the Rights element is absent, no assumptions can be made about the status of these and other rights with respect to the resource.

MKDoc uses the Rights information for HTML DC metadata like this:

<meta name="DC.Rights" xml:lang="en-gb" 
      content="Copyright © 2001 MKDoc Ltd." />

Rights is also used by the DC RDF metadata file for this document, like this:

  Copyright &#169; 2001 MKDoc Ltd.

The © symbol needs to be represented as a numeric entity in XML, MKDoc automatically sorts this out.

Document Links

The Document Properties page
The Dublin Core Rights element
External Link: The Dublin Core Initative Rights element definition.
This document was last modified on 2001-10-12 12:25:16.
MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
Copyright © 2001-2005 MKDoc Ltd.