Sort Documents

This page contains help and advice on the use of the Sort option that is available for MKDoc Documents with multiple child documents in the editor interface in MKDoc 1.0.

The Sort order of documents controls the order in which child documents are listed on the parent MKDoc document and on the Sitemap.

The Sort option is unavailable for Documents which do not have more than one child document.

There are several Sort options, designed for organising different types of Documents:

By Title, alphabetical order
This option is the default sort order for child documents. Document are sorted by Title in alphabetical order, A-Z.
By date of creation, newest first
Ordering documents by their creation date, the latest first, is designed for sections of web sites for news and other time sensitive information. For example, by creating an MKDoc/news/Document and then setting it to list all child documents by date created, you will ensure that the latest news story appears at the top of the list.
By date of modification, newest first
If the date on which a document was last modified is considered significant, you can list child documents in the order in which they were last modified.
If you want child documents to be listed in a specific order, and this can't be achieved using the above options, their order can be arranged manually. This option lets you move documents up and down a list of all child documents.

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This document was last modified on 2001-10-12 13:36:50.
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