MKDoc in a nutshell

With the Internet spreading and becoming more accessible and mature, many governments have defined or are currently defining a set of critera for public websites to comply with. For example, the [e-gif foo] in the UK, the [section 5 bar] in the United States or the French [circulaire baz] are documents which clearly show that public websites should be efficient, usable and accessible to all.

MKDoc is a web based content management system which has been gradually built since mid 2000 with the idea of finding a method to engineer websites that achieve excellency in terms of usability, accessibility and ease of maintenance through the use of sensible information architecture. Since then, it has grown into a full-fledged product based on our clients' requirements and on our belief in building faster, easier and better sites.

Accessible, Usable Websites

It is our belief that information should be accessible to all, including partially sighted or blind people. MKDoc sites achieve Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) guidelines level 1, 2 and 3. The web-based content edition interface has no special client side requirements and achieves WAI guidelines level 2, allowing people with disabilities to put content on-line as well.

The software has several built-in features to make the websites it produces a breeze to use, such as consistent look-and-feel and navigation, a persistent bread crumb trail (hierarchical navigation bar), a fast and accurate search engine, and printer-friendly versions of the site's content.

Standard compliance

We have designed the software in order to produce fully interoperable sites. We are doing active research to find out standards of importance and we develop the software to meet these standards. Currently, MKDoc supports multi-lingual websites through the use of Unicode, always outputs valid XML/XHTML pages, provides RDF/RSS 090, 091, 100 and Javascript feeds for syndication with third-party sites, implements Dublin Core Metadata and has IMS metadata mappings.

Low maintenance

MKDoc cleanly separates presentation from the actual content using XHTML templates. This means that graphic designers and content providers can work completely independently.Content can be provided and amended by multiple editors which can have different levels of permissions.

By automatically providing services such as HTML correction / validation, hyperlinks maintenance, or updating printer friendly version of pages for example, MKDoc allows content providers to perform more efficiently by taking daily tedious tasks out of their way.

This document was last modified on 2002-11-01 14:27:39.
MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
Copyright © 2001-2005 MKDoc Ltd.