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Future-proofing data

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Future-proofing data

The tragedy of non-interoperability.
Software companies like to lock-in their customers with proprietary standards and secret file formats - However, no company or organisation can afford to commit hard won information to storage systems that have no exit strategy.
With MKDoc, all pages are delivered as high-quality XHTML with full metadata and a clear, rational site structure. Open standards have been used wherever possible throughout.
Open standards make it practical to move your work from MKDoc to other storage and delivery systems such as CDROM, paper or even another content management system at a later date.

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This document was last modified by Adam Moran on 2003-11-06 17:58:12
MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
Copyright © 2001-2005 MKDoc Ltd.