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Discussion Component

File Component

Headlines Component

HTML Component

Image Component

Link Component

Photo Component

Poll Component

Text Component

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Document Content

Help and advice about the use of the Document Content page in the editor interface of MKDoc 1.0.

MKDoc documents are made from separate Components. You can have as many Components, in whatever order you want, in an MKDoc document.

Editor menu

The top of the Document Content page has the following Editor Menu:

Edit and add components as required and then

Once you have made whatever chenges you want to the document use "Modify Content" to commit the changes.

New component

Before you can add any content to a document you need to add a Component - the content of a MKDoc document is made up of as many Components as are required.

The interface for adding new components looks like this:

New component
Help ?

You can select the number of components that you wish to add and also the type of components you wish to add.

All new components are added to the bottom of the page. You can change the order of Components by using the Up and Down form submission elements.

There is no limit on the number or order of Document Components. There are several types of Document Components:

The Discussion component creates a forum where people can discuss a topic.
A File component can be used for almost any file type. The component appears in the public interface as hyperlink to the file.
A Headlines component.
A HTML component can have any amount of HTML code in it. There is a config file for a list of all the allowed tags and all HTML components are passed through HTML Tidy before they are submitted to the database to ensure their XML validity.
The Image component is for inline images, these can be in gif, jpeg or png format.
The Link component is for adding hyper links to documents. Every instance of the title of a link component in a documents HTML or Text component(s) gets turned into a hyperlink.
The Photo component is for adding a photo. A thumbnail is created with a link to a medium scaled version which itself is linked to the original (unscaled) photo. Photo components on a page are also linked together - their medium scaled versions are joined in a slideshow gallery.
To conduct a public opinion poll, use the Poll component.
A Text component is for adding plain text to a document.

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This document was last modified by Paul Arzul on 2002-10-30 17:50:51
MKDoc Ltd., 31 Psalter Lane, Sheffield, S11 8YL, UK.
Copyright © 2001-2005 MKDoc Ltd.